تفاصيل الوظيفة

20 سبتمبر 2023
نفط وغاز وطاقه
شاغر 1
تدريـب على رأس العمل
أنواع الوظائف
عدد سنوات الخبرة
20-30 سنة
العمر المفضل
ذكر وأنثى
الجنس المطلوب
تعلن منصة دوام وبالتعاون مع الجمعية العمانية للطاقة (أوبال) و شركة الخدمات الهندسية المتحدة عن توفر فرص تدريب على رأس العمل للخريجين الحديثين لمدة سنة تدريبية لحملة شهادة البكالوريوس في تخصصي المحاسبة و الموارد البشرية .
مدة التدريب سنة
للذكور والإناث
إجادة اللغة الانجليزية قراءة و تحدثاً و كتابة
للعمانيين المسجلين كباحثين عن عمل في وزارة العمل
ألا يسبق للمترشح الحصول على فرصة تدريبية أو ألا يكون قيد التدريب لدى جهات أخرى .
سيتم استبعاد المترشح من المنافسة في حالة عدم تلبية الشروط الموضحة في تفاصيل الإعلان .
Purpose of Position:
To assist Accounts Supervisor in preparing Monthly Management Accounts and other related duties.
Key Responsibilities:
Prepare Sales invoice to Customers, ensure accuracy and periodic reconciliation of the individual accounts resulting in speedy collection of receivables.
Login Purchase invoices into system after checking the supporting documents and ensure correct accounting, reconcile with their statements resulting in timely booking of purchase invoices.
Ensure payments are made to suppliers after verification / confirmation of bank details and supplier statement. Thus payments are made to suppliers correctly. Obtain confirmation from suppliers of receipt of payment through email or in copy of cheque.
Disbursement of Petty cash after verifying approval as per authority matrix and documentary supporting.
Review and reconcile of the Balance Sheet accounts and provide the same to the department heads. Resulting in accuracy of Balance Sheet schedules and action taken on long pending items.
Undertake work as and when allocated by the department head including data entry in system and taking application reports, thus ensuring smooth conduct of Finance and Accounts department work.
Sorting and filing Finance related documents as directed by department head. Good house-keeping of Accounts Department Systems. Resulting in documents/ records are easily traceable and produced for audits / government agencies / Management.
Basic rules and regulations applicable to HSE matters of base activity will be essential.
Principal Challenges:
Liaison with Suppliers, Customers and other departments in ensuring company policy and
documentation are in Order.
Accounting of all transactions on timely basis, resulting in timely reporting to management.
Minimum Academic/Professional Qualification:
Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Accounts